To give the supportive and powerful platform of authentic documentary film and photography collections, to people on the margins of our society, allowing them to be liberated in a non judgemental way.


To create meaningful visual projects that start conversations, connect and support communities and have a positive impact on society and our planet. We strive to support the sense of belonging and equality and positively impact the creation of a diverse, respectful and healthy society.

See The Light Productions was set up by Beta Bajgart, a Dublin-based filmmaker and photographer. She has been directing and producing documentaries empowering women, young people and local communities. She is also the author of an award winning project ‘A Woman’s Work’, that follows the narratives of women who have chosen a career path in unusual and predominantly male professions.

Beta has a photography and journalism background and she’s experienced director, producer and editor. Beta is passionate about narrating interesting and powerful stories through the lens of social justice and environmental concerns. She has the ability to turn them into interesting projects and spin offs. Beta’s non-national viewpoint often helps her to break down barriers that might otherwise exist, and her ‘outside’ perspective is often valuable in projects, unconstrained by taboos or traditions that may exist locally.

For more films and videos, check out Beta’s Vimeo channel. For a TV interview about A Woman’s Work book on RTE’s “Today with Maura and Daithi, click here.